Dear clients of CW Group in Menorca.
Unfortunately, after the lockdown, we have not been able to find a trustworthy agent in Menorca who can represent our company.
For this reason we ask you to visit one of the most reputable real estate agencies in Menorca. Please click on this link and visit the agency in Menorca with the best portfolio.
We wish you good luck in finding your dream property.
Christian Wolf
Avenida Fort de l 'Eau,
175, Local 6
07701, Mahon
E- Mail:
The hardship of reaching this spectacular beach makes it a less frequented beach, ideal for those looking for peace and tranquillity! The water is crystal clear. It is located at the end of a deep gorge and the west side is characterized by a small stream that flows into the sea. Together with the adjacent beaches Cala Fustam and Cala Escorxada, they form a picturesque backdrop.